Old aged care is simply known to everyone out there as the fulfillment of the special needs and requirements that are specifically unique to senior citizens. It is also more known as special purpose facility which provides accommodations and other types of support, this also includes the all-day living assistance, intensive form of care and providing assistance for independence form of living to frail and old aged residents. However this type of care is not limited to only a type of practice.

Among the important facilities that are important for old aged care are the residential facilities which include daily routines such as bathing, toileting, cooking and exercises. These will also include the medical attention for them and staffs to monitor their health. Aged care facilities are regulated by the Federal Government and these facilities are often subsided by government.
The aged care is meant for elderly people that need all the required assistance for their daily living including further medical attention. Sometimes it doesn’t mean that their children neglected them but due to the increasing in demand to take care of them. Their family members might be busy with their work and so on, leaving them with this only option to take care of the parents on a daily basis.
Since old people often might lose their motor function, extending their lives in the old aged care might help them to function properly. They will gain help from the association when doing the daily tasks and they will not be alone while doing that. Through this place old aged parents will get some companionship from friends that are the same aged as them to avoid boredom and loneliness.